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Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 22:37
Hi, I have a "legit" copy of ReVolt running on WinXP Pro (sp2). It works fine in single play no probs. but when I try to host or join a game through GameSpy, it crashes with the following error: "Can't open C:\Games\Acclaim for CRC checksum"

I have updated with the 0916 patch, then the 1207 patch (yet the game still dispays v1.10 on the main menu, which im not sure is right). I have also tried to do an ip2ip with AGT but with no luck. Im completely tearing my hair out trying to get this to work coz I love the game and can't wait to get racing online but dont know whats going wrong and what I might do to fix it.

Many Thanks,
Bombooji ;)

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 22:52
hi friend,
i have an idea but not sure if it works, try this: right click on the revolt.exe icon and there is somewhere among the settings something like this "compatibility".
you can set it (choosing from the pull down menu) to win98. somebody said it works. if not, there will be somebody in the community who will help you,
good luck,

Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 01:40
I had that error once, it was due to directX compatibility.
I would suggest that you ensure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card and all the directX & directplay system files you need.
You may need to unistall Re-Volt, update your files then reinstall.