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Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 05:40

Code: Select all

 * This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 
 * using the file %THISDIRPATH%&#092;folder.htt &#40;if customized&#41; or
 * %TEMPLATEDIR%&#092;folder.htt &#40;if not customized&#41;.

		body		{font&#58; 8pt/10pt verdana; margin&#58; 0}
		#FileList	{position&#58; absolute; left&#58; 30%; width&#58; 70%; height&#58; 100%}
		#Media		{margin-left&#58; 15px}
		#Panel		{position&#58; absolute; width&#58; 30%; height&#58; 100%; overflow&#58; auto}
		#PieChart	{width&#58; 100px; height&#58; 50px; margin-top&#58; 10px}
		#Thumbnail	{width&#58; 160px; height&#58; 160px; margin-top&#58; 0px}
		#Status		{margin-left&#58; 15px}
		#Brand		{position&#58; absolute; left&#58; 30%; width&#58; 70%; height&#58; 100%; overflow&#58; auto}
		p		{margin-left&#58; 15px; margin-top&#58; 15px; margin-right&#58; 15px}
		p.Title		{font&#58; 16pt; font-weight&#58; bold; margin-top&#58; 5px}
		p.LogoLine	{margin-left&#58; 0; margin-top&#58; -5px; margin-right&#58; 0; margin-bottom&#58; 20px}
		p.Warning	{font-weight&#58; bold; color&#58; red}
		p.Links		{margin-top&#58; 5px}
		a.Command	{font-weight&#58; bold}
		div.Release     {width&#58; 160px; text-align&#58; right; background&#58; buttonface; padding&#58; 0px, 8px, 4px, 8px}

		<!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder -->
		<!-- &#40;a "webbot" is a special wrapper for FrontPage compatibility&#41; -->
		<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" tag="base" startspan -->
		<base href="%THISDIRPATH%&#092;">
		<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->

		<script language="JavaScript">
			var L_Prompt_Text	= "Select an item to view its description.";
			var L_Multiple_Text	= " items selected.";
			var L_Size_Text		= "Size&#58; ";
			var L_FileSize_Text	= "Total File Size&#58; ";
			var L_Delimiter_Text	= ",";
			var L_Bytes_Text	= "&nbsp;bytes";
			var L_Attributes_Text	= "Attributes";
			var L_Codes_Text	= "RHSaCE"; // suppress the Archive flag
			var L_ReadOnly_Text 	= "Read-only";
			var L_Hidden_Text	= "Hidden";
			var L_System_Text	= "System";
			var L_Archive_Text	= "Archive";
			var L_Compressed_Text	= "Compressed";
			var L_Encrypted_Text	= "Encrypted";
			var L_NoAttributes_Text = "&#40;normal&#41;";
			var L_Properties_Text	= "P&roperties";
			var timer		= 0;
			var wantMedia		= false; // cool, but may hinder media file manipulation

			function FixSize&#40;&#41; {
				// this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes
				var threshold	= 400;
				var miniHeight	= 32;
				var ch		= document.body.clientHeight;
				var cw		= document.body.clientWidth;

				if &#40;cw < threshold&#41; { = "hidden"; = "visible"; = miniHeight; = 0;
				} else { = "hidden"; = "visible"; = 0; =; 
				} = cw -; = ch -;

			function FormatNumber&#40;n&#41; {
				var t = "";
				var i, j = 0;
				for &#40;i = n.length - 1; i >= 0; i--&#41; {
					t = n.charAt&#40;i&#41; + t;
					if &#40;i && &#40;&#40;++j % 3&#41; == 0&#41;&#41;
						t = L_Delimiter_Text + t;
				return t;

			function Properties&#40;&#41; {

			function Init&#40;&#41; {
				// call our FixSize&#40;&#41; function whenever the window gets resized
				window.onresize = FixSize;
				Info.innerHTML = L_Prompt_Text;

		<script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged">
			// this script updates the left info panel when you select icons
			var fldr = FileList.Folder;
			var items;
			var name;
			var data;
			var text;
			var title;
			var size = 0;
			var i;

			// cancel any pending status message
			if &#40;timer&#41; {
				timer = 0;

			// erase any visible thumbnail since the selection changed = "none"; = "none";

			// stop & destroy any media player
			if &#40;wantMedia&#41;
				document.all.Media.innerHTML = "";

			data = FileList.SelectedItems&#40;&#41;.Count;
			if &#40;data == 0&#41; {
				// nothing selected?
				Info.innerHTML = L_Prompt_Text;
			else if &#40;data > 1&#41; {
				// more than one item selected?
				text = data + L_Multiple_Text + "<br>";
				if &#40;data <= 100&#41; {
					for &#40;i = 0; i < data; i++&#41;
						size += FileList.SelectedItems&#40;&#41;.Item&#40;i&#41;.Size;
					if &#40;size&#41;
						text += "<br>" + L_FileSize_Text + FormatNumber&#40;size.toString&#40;&#41;&#41; + L_Bytes_Text + "<br>";
					if &#40;data <= 16&#41;
						for &#40;i = 0; i < data; i++&#41;
							text += "<br>" + FileList.SelectedItems&#40;&#41;.Item&#40;i&#41;.Name;
				Info.innerHTML = text;

			items = FileList.SelectedItems&#40;&#41;.Item&#40;0&#41;;

			// name
			name = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, 0&#41;;
			text = "<b>" + name + "</b>";

			// type
			data = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, 2&#41;;
			if &#40;data&#41;
				text += "<br>" + data;

			// date
			data = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, 3&#41;;
			if &#40;data&#41;
				text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;null, 3&#41; + "&#58;<br>" + data;

			// size
			size = FileList.SelectedItems&#40;&#41;.Item&#40;0&#41;.Size;
			if &#40;size && size < 1000&#41;
				text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + size + L_Bytes_Text;
			else {
				data = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, 1&#41;;
				if &#40;data&#41;
					text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;null, 1&#41; + "&#58; " + data;
                                else if &#40;size&#41;
					text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + FormatNumber&#40;size.toString&#40;&#41;&#41; + L_Bytes_Text;

			// extra details?
			for &#40;i = 4; i < 10; i++&#41; {
				title = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;null, i&#41;;
				if &#40;!title&#41;
				data = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, i&#41;;
				if &#40;title == L_Attributes_Text&#41; {
					var code;
					var s = "";

					text += "<br><br>" +;"JavaScript&#58;onClick=Properties&#40;&#41;"&#41; + "&#58; ";
					for &#40;i = 0; i < 6; i++&#41; {
						code = L_Codes_Text.charAt&#40;i&#41;;
						if &#40;data.indexOf&#40;code&#41; > -1&#41; {
							if &#40;s&#41;
								s += ", ";
							if &#40;i == 0&#41;
								s += L_ReadOnly_Text;
							else if &#40;i == 1&#41;
								s += L_Hidden_Text;
							else if &#40;i == 2&#41;
								s += L_System_Text;
							else if &#40;i == 3&#41;
								s += L_Archive_Text;
							else if &#40;i == 4&#41;
								s += L_Compressed_Text;
							else if &#40;i == 5&#41;
								s += L_Encrypted_Text;
					if &#40;!s&#41;
						s = L_NoAttributes_Text;
					text += s;
				else if &#40;data&#41;
					text += "<br><br>" + title + "&#58;<br>" + data;

			// tip?
			data = fldr.GetDetailsOf&#40;items, -1&#41;;
			if &#40;data && data != name&#41; {
				var start;
				var end;
				var theLink;
				var a;

				// parse lines for Office files without breaking links below
				a = data.split&#40;"&#092;n"&#41;;
				data = a.join&#40;"<br>&#092;n"&#41;;

				// look for embedded links
				text += "<br><br>";
				start = data.indexOf&#40;"http&#58;//"&#41;;
				if &#40;start < 0&#41;
					start = data.indexOf&#40;"file&#58;//"&#41;;
				if &#40;start < 0&#41;
					text += data;
				else {
					end = data.indexOf&#40;" ", start&#41;;
					if &#40;end < 0&#41;
						end = data.length;
					if &#40;start > 0&#41;
						text += data.substring&#40;0, start - 1&#41;;
					theLink = data.substring&#40;start, end&#41;;
					text +=;theLink&#41;;
					if &#40;end < data.length&#41;
						text += data.substring&#40;end + 1, data.length&#41;;

			// replace Info with the new text
			Info.innerHTML = text;

			if &#40;wantMedia && size&#41; {
				// show media preview or thumbnail based on file extension
				ext = name.substring&#40;name.lastIndexOf&#40;"."&#41; + 1, name.length&#41;;
				ext = ext.toLowerCase&#40;&#41;;		
				if &#40;ext == 'avi' &#124;&#124; ext == 'mov' &#124;&#124; ext == 'qt' &#124;&#124; ext == 'mpe' &#124;&#124; ext == 'mpeg' &#124;&#124; ext == 'mpg'&#41; {
					// show a movie player
					document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width&#58; 160px; height&#58; 148px" classid=clsid&#58;05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0><param name=BorderStyle value=0></object>';
				} else if &#40;ext == 'aif' &#124;&#124; ext == 'aifc' &#124;&#124; ext == 'aiff' &#124;&#124; ext == 'au' &#124;&#124; ext == 'mid' &#124;&#124; ext == 'rmi' &#124;&#124; ext == 'snd' &#124;&#124; ext == 'wav'&#41; {
					// show a sound player
					document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width&#58; 160px; height&#58; 28px" classid=clsid&#58;05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0></center></object>'

			// try to generate a new thumbnail asynchronously, and delay the status message one second
			if &#40;size && &#40;size < 10000000&#41; && Thumbnail.displayFile&#40;items.Path&#41;&#41;
				timer = window.setTimeout&#40;' = ""', 1000&#41;;

		<script language="JavaScript" for="Thumbnail" event="OnThumbnailReady">
			// when a valid thumbnail has been generated, display it
			timer = 0; = "none";
			if &#40;document.all.Thumbnail.haveThumbnail&#40;&#41; && document.all.Media.innerHTML == ""&#41; = "";

	<body scroll=no onload="Init&#40;&#41;">

		<!-- start mini banner -->
		<div ID="MiniBanner" style="visibility&#58; hidden; position&#58; absolute; width&#58; 100%; height&#58; 32px; background&#58; window">
			<!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping -->
			<table><tr><td nowrap>
				<p class=Title style="margin-top&#58; 0">
				<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;Web View Folder Title&lt;/I&gt;&lt;/B&gt;&nbsp;" -->
				<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
		<!-- end mini banner -->

		<!-- start left info panel -->
		<div id=Panel style="background&#58; white URL&#40;file&#58;//%TEMPLATEDIR%&#092;wvleft.bmp&#41; no-repeat">
			<object classid="clsid&#58;E5DF9D10-3B52-11D1-83E8-00A0C90DC849" width=32 height=32>
				<param name="scale" value=100>

			<p class=Title>
			<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;Web View Folder Title&lt;/I&gt;&lt;/B&gt;&nbsp;" -->
			<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
			<p class=LogoLine>
			<img src="%TEMPLATEDIR%&#092;wvline.gif" width=100% height=1px>
			<span id=Info>

			<!-- &#40;examples commented out&#41;
				<a href="http&#58;//">Custom Link 1</a>
				<p class=Links>
				<a href="http&#58;//">Custom Link 2</a>

			<!-- this is the thumbnail viewer control -->
			<object id=Thumbnail classid="clsid&#58;1D2B4F40-1F10-11D1-9E88-00C04FDCAB92" style="display&#58; none">

			<!-- this is the status message that pops up during thumbnail generation -->
			<div id=Status style="display&#58; none">
				Generating preview...
			<!-- this contains any ActiveMovie control created later -->
			<div id=Media>
		<!-- end left info panel -->

		<!-- this is the standard file list control -->
		<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan -->
		<object id=FileList border=0 tabindex=1 classid="clsid&#58;1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2">
		<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->

Copy that into wordpad and save as .html or .htt. (:burnout:)

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 05:03
Please reply to this. :o

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 05:12
qazqaz @ Sep 11 2007, 12:33 AM wrote: Please reply to this. :o
Why ?

What does it supposed to do ?

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 05:17
Please reply to this. :o&nbsp; &nbsp;
Why ?

What does it supposed to do ?
Make the html file. Open it and restore the window. move it around like crazy and then look at it. ;)

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 06:04
No thanks, what does it do ???

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 06:20

I's weird.

Posted: 12 Sep 2007, 04:02
lol, that's what my screen looks like when i try to view 10 things at once. ur pc run too slow, maybe exit some things...

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 20:29
Hax ._. :ph43r: :WTF: