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Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 12:54
Yeah how? I just like to know becuz i,m interested in converts.
For exam i amazed for those Italian Job Conversions in RVZT.
Is it complicated? As hard as extreme track making? Harder?
You know i cant understand how to make extreme tracks if you how try to tell it to me,
I just cant understand :lol: There is tw0 bl0cks:My skill of talking english and my computer sitting skills. (i just meaned computer skills. Not skills how good i can sit)
But how? 1t c0uld b3 gr3@t st3p t0 l3@rn 1t. (s0rry f0r u51ng th15 th1ng 0f l@ngu@g3)

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 01:21
the easiest conversions i can think of are ones like my plane and pickup racers...

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 02:23
re-volt hustler
For me need for speed cars are easiest to convert.

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 14:53
Ok, but i was asking how to convert? <_<
(if i,m talking true i was asking that too)

Posted: 28 Jun 2007, 19:24
Anybody here?

Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 01:56

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 15:16
I meant.....Aargh!!!!! Can i convert from NFSHP2? (hot pursuit 2) :blink: :unsure: :ph43r: Plz can you also tell which game cars can be converted to Re-Volt?

Posted: 01 Jul 2007, 20:01
Pretty much any game. You just have to find the right tools. Google tools to convert from one format to another. You may have to go from one to another, to another, to another, before you finally get where you want.