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Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 04:19
In the paramnotes.txt file that you can download from the Re-Volt Archive (I think), it repeatedly makes the statment that StaticFriction should "be higher than kinetic friction." I haven't fiddled with it too much, since I've been keeping StaticFriction and KineticFriction identical for wheels. I'm wondering if there is some fundamental reason WHY StaticFriction should be higher than KineticFriction? I mean, does it do something in the game that makes it better, or is it just kind of a logical thing?

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 05:13
Static as the name suggests is when the wheels/car are not moving, so this is the amount of resistance it will offer when pushed/moved by another object.

Kinetic friction is while the wheels/car are in motion.

I personally like to have Kinetic higher than Static.
Don't be afraid to test different values out, trial and error is what has created a lot of break throughs and discoveries for the game.