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Posted: 25 Dec 2006, 13:14
I've found Hulscale, which resizes existing HUL files and "fills in the cracks" so to speak, but I haven't found any other tools out there to let me define my own HUL files. I'd like to be able to build my own, deciding where to put every collision sphere, but I don't know if that's an option. Right now I'm stuck with finding decent HUL files and resizing them to fit. Some of the cars I've downloaded don't appear to have much of a hull at all, they just detect collisions based on the wheel locations. If you find a nice thin pillar, you can drive right through it, so long as it goes through the middle of your car.

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 10:28
Another resize tool, although I believe it is not for cars, is RV Sizer.
Where did you get this Hulscale thing, anyways?

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 21:45

No, custom .hul files are not yet possible, and no-one seems to be working on it.
Since the demise of RV Downloads, many of the newer RVers don't know of Sean Malloy's RV tools, so many new custom cars don't have accurat .huls. Also, old cars didn't use it, either, as it wasn't available till March 2001.


RV Sizer can be used for cars - see my Wincar Adeon, which also uses hulscale.


Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 05:55
Guess the best I can do is use huls for genericly-shaped cars, huh?

While I'm posting here, I've encountered somewhat of an anomoly. I have a copy of the Opel Speedster NFS conversion with modified stats and paint jobs. This is actually the car I was mentioning when I said, "If you find a nice thin pillar, you can drive right through it, so long as it goes through the middle of your car." However, also have the Lotus Elise (which is based on the same frame as the Speedster and therefor very similar in general). Now, the Opel Speedster can drive through pillars. The Elise can't. But if I take the elise's HUL file and replace the Speedster's with it, nothing changes. The Speedster can still drive through pillars. I can't figure it out. I've tried replacing the Speedster's HUL file with several others, and it still drives through pillars. I have no idea how it does it or how to fix it. Anyone have any suggestions?

If anyone wants to download the car, its at:

Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 22:15
I believe (but no proof!) that the .hul position is set by the body offset - could be that the -18.5 is affecting it? Can you go under low bridges?


Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 02:41
So is there any way to at least resize a decent HULfile to match a different car size? Hulscale seems to butcher my hulfiles so that they can drive through skinny pillars and such.

[Edit] Wait, nevermind. I just realized I had an extra 'L' in my hulfile name. Its 'newhul.hul', not 'newhull.hul'.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 05:21
Whats the link 2 get hulscale?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 05:36
The web page is HERE with download at bottom of page.

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 06:32
thx MM!

p.s. is there a way i can get ahold of skitch2?

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 19:38
Filipe Monteiro
how does it work? i cant make it work it hasnt an exe file and when i open the "exe" file, it doesnt do anything!

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 23:53
Iron Bob
Hulscale is a dos based program. It is best to make a batch file to run it from windows. Also after rescaling a hul, you should make sure it is linked in the parameters file. ;)

Rename hull.hul to oldhull.hul

Use notepad to make your batch file. And add the following two lines.

hulscale oldhull.hul 0.5 0.5 0.5

Then save as say (runscale.bat). This should scale the hul file by 0.5 or 1/2 in all directions when the batch file is run.

0.25 = 1/4 or smaller by 3/4
0.5 = 1/2 or smaller by 1/2
0.75 = 3/4 or smaller by 1/4
1.25 = 1 1/4 or bigger by 1/4

The reason there are three numbers after hulscale oldhull.hul is, they represent the three main directions X Y Z.

X = width
Y = height
Z = length

It is best to rescale an original hul file rather than a rescaled hul file, because the hul file will become distorted after to many rescalings.

Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 08:42
this is on of the best programs ever!!!!!

Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 18:40
Filipe Monteiro
I know how to make a batch file... but what is it supose to say?
tell me so i can use this program