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Posted: 03 May 2016, 18:46
Hi guys,i ever used keyboard for re-volt so far,but now i wanted to try the xbox pad and it seems so good for me,i can drive well.The only problem is that i would to reduce axis sensibility (dead zone) but i already set deadzone to 99% and steering range to 1 % lol.So i would to increase dead zone,there is some programs to do this?Or some parameters that i can change?

Posted: 03 May 2016, 21:58
Do you mean you set the deadzone / range improperly and now you can't change it? I think the keyboard arrow keys will still work. Make sure you update to latest RVGL (16.0420), it fixes some bugs related to deadzones. And keep in mind that the steering range should be greater than the deadzone for it to have any effect.

Posted: 03 May 2016, 22:57
hi huki,no,i mean that i would a very passive steering.I have when move axis and it is so sensible to make car instable.For this reason i tried to put deadzone to 99 and steering range to 1.The fact is that laptop keys aren't so confortable like a gamepad,so i prefer to use it,but if i can't solve this sensibility of steering problem i have to buy a decent wheel.I read about XBCD,i'll do some test.The point is to force re-volt's deadzone limit over 99.