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Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 11:12
I thought that RV House wasn't going to break on me after the update, but I was very, very wrong about that. Anybody with the new Ubuntu able to resolve these issues?

Funny thing is, RV House doesn't spit out any errors aside from libACE, and even with the library file in its right place, RV House's GUI doesn't launch. It runs, but shows nothing.

This is especially harrowing considering some people like Ubuntu as a Linux distro, and more people like me are flocking over to Ubuntu MATE with the promise of an improved Ubuntu experience using the workflow of a traditional desktop. I have my desktop all set and RVGL runs okay, but it's worthless to me if I cannot even have the option of online fun every so often.

To test this in a live session of Ubuntu MATE, perform the following;

Code: Select all

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lib32z1
The above should enable 32-bit support so ./rv_house can actually be executed instead of the weird file errors that pop up.

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 01:09
i don't know if it will help you but i must have "pthreadGC.dll" in rvhouse folder to get it working on Linux (but in fact I use windows rvhouse with wine) :unsure:

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 06:44
No such file exists, even in my Windows version. It might not hurt to find a copy of the file to check anyway.

Edit: I'm having the hardest time finding this file online or on my install of Windows (starting from 7 Ultimate, upgraded to 10 Pro).

It would be handy of you to provide this file, if the file you have in your install is named exactly as described, otherwise confirm what your filename is to see if you did a little typo that's making this harder for me to resolve than it has to be.

I found the file. For anybody without Windows who may want it, download it here.

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 17:20
generaly you can find this file on "C:\Windows\System32" for windows users ...

was sleeping time for me