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Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 04:32
My OS is Windows7 64bit.
I installed a latest Re-Volt patch(v1.2 a15.0330).
And then I read (v1.2 doc.txt) to make a custom sound track.
Custom Music

To play a custom music track in your level instead of the default CD
audio, use the MUSIC entry in the "level".inf file. General syntax:
MUSIC <Path to music file>

I read a text. And I corrected a inf file.
;Revolt .INF file structure

NAME 'Toys in the Hood';The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -14974. 88. 20489 ;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV -13311. 37. 18925 ;Start position of the car
STARTROT 0.25 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
STARTROTREV 0.75 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP 24000 ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 23000 ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 80 144 192 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 0 ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 0 ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
INSTANCERGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original instance gouraud
MIRRORS 0 0.75 0 256 ;Type - mix - intensity start - distance
MUSIC <music&#092;nhood1.mp3>

Next I renamed a mp3 file to same name as a folder(for example 'nhood1.mp3').
And I made a music folder in the directory(S:&#092;games&#092;re-volt&#092;music) and put mp3 there.

Then I chose "Toys in the Hood" and played it. But default music of installation CD was played.
Even though I corrected nhood1.inf entry, mp3 wasn't played.
I don't know what I should do.&#12288;Please help me. :unsure:

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 05:11
it must have no spaces or special symbols and it can be a directory of your liking where the root folder is revolt folder.
Try not using redbook line

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 05:33
MP3 line overrides the Redbook line.

Syntax isn't anything outlandish, assuming you have the mp3 files in the same folder as revolt.exe it's just 'Filename.mp3'

;Revolt .INF file structure

NAME  'Rooftops' ;The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -43622 5101 -166692 ;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV -43350 5097 -166589 ;Start position of the car
STARTROTREV 0.5  ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP  25000  ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 24000  ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 0 0 0 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 6000  ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 10000  ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100  ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 35  ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
MP3         'industria.mp3'

If you put them in a folder, eg "music" then do 'music&#092;filename.mp3'

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 05:49
In 1.2 v15.0330 you can use various methods to get your own music playing.

Using the Redbook method.
This method plays MP3 files from a folder called redbook pretending it is the CD-ROM. To use it, create a folder called redbook inside the Re-Volt main folder and put MP3 files inside it. Name them TRACK02.mp3, TRACK03.mp3, etc. and they will be played in the tracks as if CD-ROM was inserted. There are certain tracks for specific levels. For example, Frontend plays TRACK02.mp3, while Toys in the Hood 1 plays TRACK06.mp3, TRACK07.mp3, TRACK08.mp3, TRACK09.mp3, TRACK10.mp3 and TRACK11.mp3 in random order. For stock tracks (original tracks), REDBOOK option has the priority so if you have the CD-ROM inserted or if you have configured the Redbook folder, they will be played no matter what you write in the MP3 line.

Using the MP3 line.
You can also use this method with the only difference that it lets you play only 1 song per track, while Redbook method lets you play several tracks in random order. To use it, you have to remove the CD-ROM or the Redbook folder first. The default line for Toys in the Hood 1 is MP3 'nhood1.mp3', which means that it will try to play a file called nhood1.mp3 provided it is inside the main Re-Volt folder (e.g. C:&#092;Program Files (x86)&#092;Acclaim&#092;Re-Volt&#092;nhood1.mp3). To keep things tidy, you could create a folder, put all the MP3s inside it and then edit every .inf file from the stock tracks to redirect the MP3 line to this folder.

Your error was that you put your custom nhood1.mp3 file inside re-volt&#092;music without changing the entry in the .inf file. Then, when you realized you had to change the .inf file too, you didn't know that you had to remove the CD-ROM.

And if Huki ever reads this, this is another example that almost nobody uses Re-Volt on the original Acclaim Entertainment folder and that RVHouse should try to auto-detect Re-Volt anywhere on the computer like GameRanger does.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 07:45
Abc @ 2 Nov 2015, 12:41 AM wrote:&nbsp; it must have no spaces or special symbols and it can be a directory of your liking where the root folder is revolt folder.
Try not using redbook line
Thank you Abc.The album tag of my mp3 is "[Electro]bestEDM"
It looks like includes special symbol.
I will try agein after remove all mp3 tag information. :)

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 08:32
Gotolei @ 2 Nov 2015, 01:03 AM wrote:&nbsp; MP3 line overrides the Redbook line.

Syntax isn't anything outlandish, assuming you have the mp3 files in the same folder as revolt.exe it's just 'Filename.mp3'

;Revolt .INF file structure

NAME&nbsp; 'Rooftops' ;The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -43622 5101 -166692 ;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV -43350 5097 -166589 ;Start position of the car
STARTROTREV 0.5&nbsp; ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP&nbsp; 25000&nbsp; ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 24000&nbsp; ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 0 0 0 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 6000&nbsp; ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 10000&nbsp; ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100&nbsp; ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 35&nbsp; ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
MP3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 'industria.mp3'
REDBOOK&nbsp; 4 9

If you put them in a folder, eg "music" then do 'music&#092;filename.mp3'
Thank you Gotolei :)
There is little difference between my inf.file and your Example.
I may not need to change line name "MUSIC" to "MP3".

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 09:31
Maybe using "MUSIC" instead of "MP3" is the exact problem here.
Also dont forget that since 14.0208 there's ogg support ;)
I think Re-Volt does not care about ID3 tags, so i guess album shouldn't be an issue :unsure:

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 10:40
I did it at last!!
Phantom @ 2 Nov 2015, 01:19 AM wrote:In 1.2 v15.0330 you can use various methods to get your own music playing.&nbsp; [hide](Using the Redbook method.)
This method plays MP3 files from a folder called redbook pretending it is the CD-ROM. To use it, create a folder called redbook inside the Re-Volt main folder and put MP3 files inside it. Name them TRACK02.mp3, TRACK03.mp3, etc. and they will be played in the tracks as if CD-ROM was inserted. There are certain tracks for specific levels. For example, Frontend plays TRACK02.mp3, while Toys in the Hood 1 plays TRACK06.mp3, TRACK07.mp3, TRACK08.mp3, TRACK09.mp3, TRACK10.mp3 and TRACK11.mp3 in random order. For stock tracks (original tracks), REDBOOK option has the priority so if you have the CD-ROM inserted or if you have configured the Redbook folder, they will be played no matter what you write in the MP3 line.[/hide] [hide](Using the MP3 line.)
You can also use this method with the only difference that it lets you play only 1 song per track, while Redbook method lets you play several tracks in random order. To use it, you have to remove the CD-ROM or the Redbook folder first. The default line for Toys in the Hood 1 is MP3 'nhood1.mp3', which means that it will try to play a file called nhood1.mp3 provided it is inside the main Re-Volt folder (e.g. C:&#092;Program Files (x86)&#092;Acclaim&#092;Re-Volt&#092;nhood1.mp3). To keep things tidy, you could create a folder, put all the MP3s inside it and then edit every .inf file from the stock tracks to redirect the MP3 line to this folder. [/hide] Your error was that you put your custom nhood1.mp3 file inside re-volt&#092;music without changing the entry in the .inf file. Then, when you realized you had to change the .inf file too, you didn't know that you had to remove the CD-ROM.&nbsp; And if Huki ever reads this, this is another example that almost nobody uses Re-Volt on the original Acclaim Entertainment folder and that RVHouse should try to auto-detect Re-Volt anywhere on the computer like GameRanger does.
Thank you Phantom :burnout:
Firstly,I removed a redbook folder that contains only TRACK02.mp3.
And then I create a "music" folder,and put a "nhood1.mp3" for Toys in the Hood 1 and
I rewrite a&#12288;syntax of "Nhood1.inf" from "MUSIC" to "MP3"

This is the recent "Nhood1.inf" file.
;Revolt .INF file structure

NAME 'Toys in the Hood';The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -14974. 88. 20489 ;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV -13311. 37. 18925 ;Start position of the car
STARTROT 0.25 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
STARTROTREV 0.75 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP 24000 ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 23000 ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 80 144 192 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 0 ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 0 ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
INSTANCERGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original instance gouraud
MIRRORS 0 0.75 0 256 ;Type - mix - intensity start - distance
MP3 'music&#092;nhood1.mp3'

The problem caused by an wrong line of inf.file.
I should not change a MP3 line refer to "v1.2 doc.txt"
All of the problems were resolved.Now I can play custom soundtrack. :D
Thank you everyone.Thank you for your instruction.

P. S.
"REDBOOK 0 0" means repeat "TRACK00"&#65311;
I bought a original CD-ROM from a recycle shop 9 years ago.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 11:09
Abc @ 2 Nov 2015, 05:01 AM wrote:Maybe using "MUSIC" instead of "MP3" is the exact problem here. Also dont forget that since 14.0208 there's ogg support wink.gif I think Re-Volt does not care about ID3 tags, so i guess album shouldn't be an issue unsure.gif
I just tried to use a mp3 which include ID3 tags.
And then, I know that ID3 tag had nothing to do with that trouble.
Thank you. :pickup:

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 20:00
EME @ 2 Nov 2015, 08:10 AM wrote:"REDBOOK  0 0" means repeat "TRACK00"&#65311;
"TRACK02" actually. "TRACK00" doesn't exist in redbooks / audio CD's.
"TRACK01" in mixed mode CD's contains data or a computer program, and is skipped by most CD audio players, hence audio tracks starts from number 2.

MP3 files with tags, including album cover, work with Re-Volt.
Just make sure if MP3 is in CBR (Constant Bit-rate) encode mode. I had some problems with VBR (Variable Bit-rate) files, though it was a long while ago (earlier 1.2 patches).

Everything else was pretty much explained in other posts.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 23:54
EME @ 2 Nov 2015, 04:32 AM wrote: My OS is Windows7&#12288;64bit.
I installed a latest Re-Volt patch(v1.2 a15.0330).
And then I read (v1.2 doc.txt) to make a custom sound track.
To play a custom music track in your level instead of the default CD
audio, use the MUSIC entry in the "level".inf file. General syntax:
&nbsp; &nbsp; MUSIC <Path to music file>

I read a text. And I corrected a inf file.
MUSIC&nbsp; <music&#092;nhood1.mp3>
The path should be enclosed in single-quotes, not angular brackets. Like this:
MUSIC 'music&#092;nhood1.mp3'
This will be clear from looking at existing track.inf files.
Otherwise, you can use either MUSIC or MP3, both are correct.

Also, for stock tracks like Toys in the Hood 1, the REDBOOK has higher priority. You should remove it if you want to set a custom music file.
For user-made tracks, the MP3 takes higher priority. This means you can use both MUSIC and REDBOOK lines and the custom music will always be played if it is available.

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 05:41
VaiDuX461 @ 2 Nov 2015, 03:30 PM wrote:"TRACK02" actually.
"TRACK00" doesn't exist in redbooks / audio CD's.
"TRACK01" in mixed mode CD's contains data or a computer program, and is skipped by most CD audio players, hence audio tracks starts from number 2.
MP3 files with tags, including album cover, work with Re-Volt.
Just make sure if MP3 is in CBR (Constant Bit-rate) encode mode.
I had some problems with VBR (Variable Bit-rate) files, though it was a long while ago (earlier 1.2 patches).
Everything else was pretty much explained in other posts.&nbsp;
-------------------- aka VaidX47, Vaid --------------------
Thank you VaiDuX461 :) .
The Track00 is ignored because it is a&#12288;Program area isn't it?.
I understood it :rolleyes:
Huki @ 2 Nov 2015, 07:24 PM wrote:The path should be enclosed in single-quotes, not angular brackets.
Like this: MUSIC 'music&#092;nhood1.mp3' This will be clear from looking at existing track.inf files.
Otherwise, you can use either MUSIC or MP3, both are correct.

Also, for stock tracks like Toys in the Hood 1, the REDBOOK has higher priority.
You should remove it if you want to set a custom music file.
For user-made tracks, the MP3 takes higher priority.
This means you can use both MUSIC and REDBOOK lines and the custom music will always be played if it is available.
I didn't know that the default&#12288;tracks are prior to user-made tracks.:blink:
It took me 4 hours to find that. Thank you.:)

Yesterday,I looked up articles of Acclaim in wikipedia.
I knew that Acclaim does not exist.It is sad. :(