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Posted: 27 Oct 2015, 07:41
Feel free to post bug reports / suggestions for improvements in RV House here.
New releases will be announced as usual in the RV House thread.

- Huki

This is the Full list of bugs that are pending to be fixed:

Top priority things before Huki leaves us again:
1. Feature to edit game path for Re-Volt easily. Remove current method which uses manual entry of folder path and replace it with a button to select executable. Keep it simple and neat as it is in GamRanger.
2. Apply the same button to RVGL.
3. In Advanced Settings, move all RVGL-related options together on a different tab.
4. An option to enable/disable late joining for rooms in 1.2 only mode so late joining can be disabled by the user without having to select all versions mode. Rooms with late joining disabled should be greyed out and inaccessible like it was in the past while rooms with late joining enabled should stay open to new guests. When a user creates a room and selects all versions option, that room should be automatically locked (greyed out and impossible to enter) since all versions mode does not have late joining.

Other minor bugs:
- Edit RV House Installer to have "Create shortcut" option activated by default.
- The Copy/Paste menus don't work in chat. They only appear in the writing box.
- When the user creates the room for the first time, 2 rooms are created instead of one.
- RV House rooms support only 20 laps.
- PMs not closing after closing main window is not fixed yet.
- Users with both P2P / Server connection still appear green instead of dark blue.
- The writing box gets inactive after scrolling the chat (with scroll bar / mouse wheel).
- RV House flashes only if minimized with the minimize button in title bar, not when minimized by other ways (clicking the icon in task bar, windows key + M, etc).

About KadC errors:
- The correct solution to fix the KadC errors that make RV House crash so often would be to start using some other P2P library than KadC.

Websites with just www. are not detected as hyperlinks and clicking on them clears the whole chat.
The launch game button doesn't appear until RV House is fully connected to P2P when you are guest.
When user creates the room for the 1st time, the default values are Laps 10, Players 10.
In Competitions, replace the broken links by links to RVR Best 3 Laps, Best 4 Laps and Month tracks.
In Help, add links to informative websites and forums such as ORP, RVL and the Wiki.

This list does not include any real new features like custom track sharing or GUI changes. It only includes the essential things that will make RVHouse look less broken and more decent.

Posted: 27 Oct 2015, 22:00
Changes to consider about RVH:
  • Suggest using libutorrent for p2p (or whatever)
  • Remove auto-copy on select and add proper right click copy/paste
  • Improve connectivity
  • Take lap/cars from ini rather just registry (registry is for old builds)
  • Better build detection and add a prompt to download 1.2 if not latest alpha, or using beta or 1207 (have own path setting for re-volt (RVGL/1.2 are portable games))
  • Make rooms an independent window rather than part of the main window
  • Visual Studio support (im willing to manage windows builds)
  • Reduce ghosted status (it looks like a user is there when its not)
  • Add help for / (commands), Add /me
EDIT: Please merge more from lobby support topic as there's more.

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 04:16
How about replace old links to existing pages like RVR, XTG, RVZ and both forums (ORVP and RVL) in RVHouse?
We can add one of the RVR races to this 'Competetions' tab as well, but I think it's less necessary. An idea only.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 07:18
@Kipy: that is what I've suggested already if you read above.
-In Competitions, replace the broken links by links to RVR Best 3 Laps, Best 4 Laps and Month tracks.
-In Help, add links to informative websites and forums such as ORP, RVL and the Wiki.
I thought it's pretty neat not mixing competitions related websites such as RVR and Rankings with Help related sites like forums and wikia. And now you make me think that adding RVZ and XTG is a very good idea but these are neither Rankings nor Help related websites, they offer downloads.

What about a Downloads menu, right between Competitions and Help, with quick links to useful download-related content in it.

Re-Volt 1.2 Download
RVGL Download
Re-Volt Zone
Re-Volt XTG

I'd put a complete Re-Volt installer here but I think Huki will say we should avoid conflict with WeGo.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 09:30
For a RV installer, RVR already has one 1207.
We could reuse and adapt the installer that was posted only here and ended being buried. is broken and dead.
i would remove the links in About except for RVHouse topics and rvh site and put revoltzone,, rv12 and rvgl download links and name the menu "Useful Links" or something like that.
i would also remake the toolbars and maybe lock them and/or put a menu in rooms to dynamically change room settings without the dialog (can a menu contain a text field in qt?) and add some main menu features like player status and make all shortcuts "universal" where appropriate.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 23:50
Phantom @ 2 Nov 2015, 07:18 AM wrote:@Kipy: that is what I've suggested already if you read above.
But you didn't post the correct links like he did...
Phantom wrote:What about a Downloads menu, right between Competitions and Help, with quick links to useful download-related content in it.
Phantom wrote:I'd put a complete Re-Volt installer here but I think Huki will say we should avoid conflict with WeGo.
Well, I just think we should wait till rvhouse and rvgl development matures a little bit.

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 01:59
Phantom @ 2 Nov 2015, 02:48 AM wrote: @Kipy: that is what I've suggested already if you read above.
I commented it to an other topic, but it was moved here. Excuse me, I should have checked other topics too.

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 09:51
Huki @ 2 Nov 2015, 03:20 PM wrote:
Phantom @ 2 Nov 2015, 07:18 AM wrote:@Kipy: that is what I've suggested already if you read above.
But you didn't post the correct links like he did...
I thought that wouldn't be necessary but after seeing the new update, here you go.

Competitions menu
1. Delete useless header Re-Volt Race which is greyed out.
2. Rename WWW-site to ReVoltRace, make this option clickable and link it to this.
3. Below ReVoltRace, add Best 3 Laps linked to this.
4. Below Best 3 Laps, add Best 4 Laps linked to this.
5. Below Best 4 Laps, rename Tracks of the month to Month Tracks linked to this.
6. Remove Player profiles. It's not needed.

1. Rename Pub forum to Our Revolt Pub.
2. Below it, add Revolt Live linked to this.
3. Add Re-Volt Wiki linked to this.

1. If you want, add a division line between your sites (RV1.2, RVGL) and track download sites.
2. Remove jig's site since its tools are unsuitable in RVHouse and not used by online players.

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 23:58
That was just *ALREADY* suggested !?
Damnit haters.

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 02:46
More old bugs:
- in links the first dot on a hyperlink does not get hyperlinked and anything beyond a first dot makes everything hyperlinked as long it has no spaces
- any www links clear the chatbox
- any attempt to use /<command> causes "* Invalid command: <command>" (includes spaces)
- QT auto copy feature on highlight should be disabled and turn it into a context menu and enable control+c
- middle click when highlighting to paste does not work in windows (it will be scrapped anyway)
- Idling is a pain, it stops refreshing after a while and sometimes it disconnects you and forces you to press refresh to reconnect.
- Other stuff i mentioned already

PS: Seriously, not liking me is not a reason to ignore me, this is actually helpful and unrelated to what im known for.

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:26
I've edited my first post with the things I consider are top priority needs for RV House right now.

I was trying to provide feedback after seeing the changes in the new version already. I needed to mention Huki what addresses he missed (B3L,B4L,RVL) and tell him to check inaccurancies on some entries. I usually ignore your disgusting comments towards me, but before calling others something try looking yourself in the mirror next time.[/HIDE]

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 20:14
[HIDE=I'm trying to help too :/][/HIDE]

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 21:21
Hey, in rare occasions i'm getting a message box that disconnects me.

put main debug = 1 and hover a user, you'll see what i mean by not using an external ip detection.

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 16:14
Give me timestamps :D B)

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 10:10
Touriga @ 22 Jan 2016, 07:44 AM wrote: Give me timestamps :D B)
Yes please, That's missing, who cant live without timestamps

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 18:16
Displaying version of hoster and blocking room access to those with different version would be great.