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Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 16:46
1. Add this function!(in Parameters)

NoCustomCarbox TRUE(or false)

->If add this fuction in paramerters,
custom car's carbox is not -1.
If I add Bigvolt, and add that functions,
Bigvolt's carbox is like DC Carbox.

How about this 1.2 Updaters? :)

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 18:32
Wouldn't "NoCustomCarbox" act the same way as not using any "TCARBOX"?
This could be solved by natively supporting additional DC assets.
PC version would need 2 more carbox tpages from DC files and code rest of unused CarBox Car ID objects, as well adding some new to be working in frontend. PC ver has 34 ID's, but all after number 27 are broken as the game doesn't know which car folder should be used.

For now, using "TCARBOX" as a carbox texture for DC cars works just fine, except you can't use native 85x85 size, so you either have to resize to 128x128 or 64x64.

Integrating DC content to PC version was a very controversial topic, so I doubt devs will work on it. At least not very soon, that's for sure.