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Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 08:03
Pat S
Hey, peeps, my name is Pat S and I have been away from ReVolt for a long time. I would like to try to get back into it, at least to try all the new tracks that have been created since I stopped playing. Could someone please help me with advice on how to install ReVolt with a Windows 7 operating system? I have the original CD with which to install. Thank you.

Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 10:46
Hi Pat S.
• Install the game from the setup that is inside your cd-rom like you always did.
• When you finish do not open the game.
• Go to this site
• Scroll down until you find a link to download the Patch 1.2.
• Run the Updater and wait until your game is updated.
• Finally open the game and everything should work correctly, even on Windows 7.
• Go back here and report how things went.