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Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 04:00
Hello everyone. I have always thought that one missing interesting feature in RV would be some sort of photo mode. You know, a way to pause a replay, rotate or move the camera and take a screen capture. In fact, this has been proposed long time ago:
Kenny @ 10 Jan 2012, 11:17 PM wrote:It would be nice to have some kind of camera or photo mode for the game so you can capture cool events of one race. or simply make nice screenshots.
for example you could pause the race and by pressing a special key you go into camrea mode where you can freely look and move around in the world and save the current camera picture in a file.
This would be at least a basic menu, toggled using any Fx key, which pauses the replay, lets you freely rotate, move and change the zoom of the camera (or directly switch to another camera by pressing F1/F5 keys), take a photo of the screen and save it in a RV folder. A perfect photo mode would also let the user change brightness, exposure value, focal length and other parameters (just like Gran Turismo/Tourist Trophy photo mode), but I guess a better 3D render system than Direct3D would be needed. Anyway, just the possibility of pausing a replay and taking a clean photo from an arbitrary position and zoom would be great enough to make it worth :)

A best shot mode, which takes some random photos and lets you save some of them, would also be great.

Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 09:26
For what it's worth, it's more or less possible with tvtime (camera) and existing makeitgood functions (save and recall replay). You can shift+f5 (even while paused) to toggle HUD, and printscreen should work as normal.

That being said I've found myself wishing a few times for proper replay management and a way to rewind/step through them...

Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 19:18
Gotolei @ 7 Mar 2015, 12:56 AM wrote:That being said I've found myself wishing a few times for proper replay management and a way to rewind/step through them...
Wrong, only DEV gives save/load <_< except load in 15.0131

Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 21:36
While those functions can still be done using the actual Make it Good, it would be nice to have an easier way of taking photos.
Especially completely removing the hud, and giving the possibility to pause the game, even during replays, in order to take photos in dinamic scenes (jumps, drifts, etc.)

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 22:22
Iko @ 7 Mar 2015, 01:06 PM wrote: While those functions can still be done using the actual Make it Good, it would be nice to have an easier way of taking photos.
Especially completely removing the hud, and giving the possibility to pause the game, even during replays, in order to take photos in dinamic scenes (jumps, drifts, etc.)
you can use TVTIME and just do it: shift+f5 does the trick except for signals. no need to use edit mode to take pics

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 23:28
With replay, there’s even no signals or anything displayed if you just pause the game and then hold LeftShift+Space. You can press PrintScreen while holding them and get a clean picture.

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 02:52
Didn't know it worked like that! Thank you for the information.