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Posted: 16 Oct 2014, 17:47
Hey there. I am sure by now everyone knows me, I'm the dude that's working alongside Rook, SebR and company to make magic happen for Milkfix.

I am posting this thread to receive a resolution on the following issue;
Blender, with Jig's plugin exports glass.prm as to make the bitmap from one of the AI cars in a race with five or greater opponents the reflection texture you see when you drive by it. Why's this? What am I missing?
It just so happens I forgot to map it. Odd.

Posted: 16 Oct 2014, 20:03
it is curious that the DC devs did edit that glass, but didnt fix the glass in that spot.

either they couldnt, or felt it was supposed to be a wall. (which is what they did)

at least we have the collision bug fix working perfectly, we'll get the rest of it worked out somehow :)

here's the 'extended glass.prm' version by ElectricBee...

we will also be experimenting with an actual wall too before we release anything.

* big thx to SebR for making us the extra Muse2 world files to experiment with.

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 07:27
at least we have the collision bug fix working perfectly
What do you mean by that? was the car's collision affected by that?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 07:31
^ there was a hole in the glass that made the cars freak out if you ran into it ~ we fixed it.

it has nothing to do with car-on-car contact.


Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 07:36
you are to be commended by this :) for it was a "triple A" fix :)