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Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 11:09
Hi guys,
Nice to meet you all. I've been wandering around the forum for quite a long time and finally I decided to show myself! :D
I've been working on a project I decided to share with you all. I know that other Re-Volt installers are around the forum but none of them had the features I was looking for and so I decided to create my own.
I built it with NSIS and it does not only install the game but, on request, also the v1.2 Update, KDL's Music Pack the Dreamcast Car Pack and other stuff, making it perfect for new players and for LAN Parties, for example.

Here are some screenshots


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Code: Select all

* v1.0 (010512)
- Initial Release

* v1.1 (020512)
- Dreamcast Car Pack updated to version 2
- Demo Cars added
- Carboxes For Special And Demo Cars added
- Tweaks to installer script
- Changes to ReadMe
Download Link [v1.1]

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Try it, enjoy it and give me your feedback!
If you find any bug or if you have comments, suggestions, idea, criticisms (constructive) criticism or anything else, post either here or on the Re-Volt Live's topic written above! :D

Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 19:32
It looks nice (didn't try it though) and I believe that will be a big help for newcomers.

The only thing thats missing here is a RV House install option for the multiplayer (if you can smoothly integrate that).

But what does the Non-Portable Installation option do?

Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 20:00
1.2 has a serious issue that wasn't fixed yet.

Once you run the 1207 offline once RV House recognizes your RV directory. With 1.2 RV House won't. Until this is fixed, I wouldn't bother with an installer which already installs 1.2.

Also, you are using the first version of our DC pack - which is outdated, and I have posted two updates since. Download the latest version here.

Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 22:53
Kenny @ Apr 27 2012, 03:02 PM wrote:But what does the Non-Portable Installation option do?
If you untick it, the installer will just extract the files without creating an uninstaller and altering the registry and so on.
nero @ Apr 27 2012, 03:30 PM wrote:Also, you are using the first version of our DC pack - which is outdated, and I have posted two updates since. Download the latest version here.
Ok nero, thanks for letting me know. I'll update the installer as soon as I can. However, would you give me a link for the homepage of the updated pack so that I can update my ReadMe?

EDIT. I didn't mean "upload" but "update", sorry! :D

Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 23:39
The ReadMe is in all the updates.

Posted: 28 Apr 2012, 22:30
New version is out!
Take a look at the changelog ;)

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 13:58
Good project and idea.

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 01:48
Thanks for this handy little thing, I'll default to this installer over the old 1.1 one while keeping both for the registry stuff

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 04:51
Thinking about updating it to latest v1.2 alpha? Ofcourse if you have time ;).

Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 01:22
If you are doing a one-for-everything installer, why not add an option of installing the Expert AI updates for stocks, demo and dreamcast cars (available at RVZT)? (a shameless plug, I know, but you are including everything else anyway...)