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Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 06:18
Hi RV fans, I'm pretty new in Revolt track making, so I don't know how to create extreme tracks. Can anyone tell me how to, or just show a site or program that helps in it?

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 06:30
Hi and Welcome to Our ReVolt Pub, pull up a chair and give me your order... :D

Now then, do you know anything about the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat which enables you to access hidden editing modes ?

Check out this posting : More! More! More! to find links on basic track building and the next level of extreme editing.

Once you have fully read and understood those sites, then please post any questions here that you still need answered.

Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 06:39
Thanks Manmountain!
I'll try it as soon as I can. Hope it works :)

Posted: 22 Feb 2006, 04:23
I received your PM.
You mention RV Max ? do you mean 3D Max or RV-Glue as these are two seperate programs.

3D Max is a 3D modeling program that some people use to create full extreme levels. This program is not free and costs over several Thousands (thats 3 zero's, 000).
There are other 3D modeling utilities that you could use to create a track or create instances to place in a premade track, and most of these are freeware.

RV-Glue is a program created by several old RV members (Ali & Bootes, I think).
It is free and found at several RV sites (even on mine ;) ), but this is more of a utility that utalises the files created by ReVolt or the track editor, and can not be used as a stand alone program.

It sounds like your looking for a simple and quick way of creating an extreme track (well aren't we all), but sorry, there isn't one.
Extreme track creation (even simple instance placement and surface alteration) takes time and effort. The more you do then the quicker it will come, but you will still need to do a lot of hard thinking.

My suggestion is to edit a basic lego track made with the in game track editor, then add/change things using the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat Edit modes and/or use RV-Glue to add/change a few things.

As in any development process, it takes a lot of trial and error, usually a lot of ERROR! :rolleyes:

Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 01:36
Thanks Manmountain!
As a matter of fact, I already started creating a track. I don't think it will be the best because this is my first track that I edited using MAKEITGOOD and that I changed the look of the track (the graphics are probably not the best). The only thing I don't like in lego tracks is that I can't figure out a way to make them wide or change the shape of the track editor pieces. I think there is a way to do that. Are the zone tracks that I could download on this site made from the track editor, and then edited using programs? Anyway, I probably will find out after a time. Thanks for the help again!

Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 04:26
To alter whole tracks sizes (thats the world file .W) use Wscale.
To alter the size of individual instances use RV-Sizer.
Both utilities and a host of others can be found in the Tool Shed page of my RV site.

Just one note, if you do resize the whole world then you will need to to replace or renew the AI, Pos and Zones.

Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 22:15
On my (German) Homepage are some tricks but think i have the homepage since last week :rolleyes: Please write in the Guestbook how do you find my new page

Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 18:14
Is wscale4 used in Windows XP? Because I can't run it. a black screen appears for a second, then it disappears!

Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 20:53
Esure you have cygwin1.dll, Wscale4.exe and the batch file to run Wscale in the same folder as the track.
Also make sure the batch file is set to Win98 compatibility mode.

Then all should work, if not... then I don't know, sorry.

Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 22:03
Sorry, still doesn't work. I tryed another program called trackmk too. I figured out how to create the track pieces, only problem was I couldn't see an image of them, and I couldn't put them together to make a track. Is there a program designed to put the created track pieces together? Because trackmk only makes the pieces, it doesn't put them together.

Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 22:17
The track pieces created should be prm files which you then place in your track using the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat edit mode 'Instances'

Back to wscale,
You should have a batch file (a basic txt file with the .bat extention)
And in this file it should read :

Code: Select all

Wscale4.exe Trackname.w X Y Z
X, Y and Z are numbers relating to the scale value of the relevent Axis
X & Z are length and width, Y is height.
Example, to double the height of the track but leave the width and length it should read :

Code: Select all

Wscale4.exe Trackname.w 1 2 1
Make sure you have the cygwin1.dll file.
A small or rather big note, wscale only changes the world file data, you will need to send this new world file through RV-glue to create a new NCP (collision) data file.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 02:36
I tried the trackmk track pieces by using the instance edit mode, and it worked! Only one problem: I couldn't delete the track editor pieces, and they were in the way a little.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 04:42
Is there a way to delete the trackeditor pieces?

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 07:54
You can delete the Track Editor parts with rvGlue (tazspit option).
A better way is to assemble the prms in an almost empty .w file.
The way I do it is with a copy of one of Jimk's Kits, such as his
Off-Road Kit. They are all nhood1 folders so you can edit in
Time Trial Mode. I backup the original nhood1 folder and
place the kit folder into the levels folder. I delete everything in the
kit folder except: nhood1.w, nhood1.ncp, and the nhood1.inf files.
This is a good base for any all instances track.
Then I put all the prms I plan on using with the BMPs they are
mapped to into the folder. I use rvGlue to glue the prms into the .w file and to
modifiy the track. I use most of the MAKEITGOOD edit modes
to make the track raceable.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 15:11
Hi Hil,

How do you get glue to work on XP you have told me this before but I cant remember?

Josh - piN

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 22:32
I have Windows XP Home Edition with SP1.
To use rvGlue I copied and pasted the file cygwin1.dll
that comes in the rvGlue package into C:\WINNT\system
Then in the folder you are building your track in
you need 3 more files: the rvglue.exe, a command.txt,
and a runglue.bat
In the command.txt you write the commands you want
rvGlue to do (examples are found in the rvGlue Docs).
The runglue.bat is the file you click on to run the rvglue.exe
To make a runglue.bat open a Notepad file and type this:
rvglue command.txt
Then Save the file as runglue.txt
Then rename this file to runglue.bat (say Yes to file
name extension change).

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 23:03
i have been editing my track and i no how to but, how can i tell the game to take a route using track parts i have added?

I have 2 web sitez and a third will be up soon

site 1

website 2

Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 06:28
OK, OK, :rolleyes:

I did give you a couple of links to help get you started.

Basically, you need to enter the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat code to enable the edit modes.
Select the Track Zones, then edit the Zones to ensure your new pieces are encompassed by the appropiate numbered Track Zones.
Then select the AI Nodes, then edit the AI to allow the AI cars to use the new pieces as part of the racing line.
You may also need to adjust the Pos Nodes.

If you are unsure about any of what I have just said, then I suggest you give those links I gave you a good look over and fully understand the basics of the MAKEITGOOD edit modes.

Here are those links again, for you and any one else getting started;

RV Extreme
The Re-Volt Workbench
RV-Glue Documentation
Tutorials Menu @ RVA

If you are still unsure of how to implement any of these changes then send me the track and I will assist you where I can. ;)

Posted: 03 May 2006, 08:05
:huh: I have a problem:
How come I can't edit my own custom tracks with the MAKEITGOOD cheat???

Posted: 03 May 2006, 21:56
Read the RV Extreme link, It will answer all your questions.