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Posted: 26 Sep 2011, 11:06
Download : Link
Full Documentation: (references) (Help)

Hello, Here is another tool of mine created for trackmakers, it's called "W_Console": a Console/Session based program

In my point of view, I think it was made for two goals:
  • make texture animation
  • Shade ENVmap (reflection color)
However it's able to decode a .w to human readable language (see Re-Volt decoders/encoders Re-Volt the wiki's article), convert tri to quads, shade (color), export, preview, batch, script interpret, modify mesh types ...

Here is the download link
Here is the full manual
RSS feed of fixes, tutorials etc...

Texture animation for everyone Tutorial: [SD Video] [HD video] [Video tut's files]

Special thanks to : ADX, DarkSabre, Ali : for code source / providing a Re-Volt file structure explanation
RTT-Tux, DarkSabre for FreeVolts

Please note that .NET framework 2.0 is needed

Posted: 28 Sep 2011, 23:05
You forgot RTT-tuxator's credits about FreeVolts :rolleyes:

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 05:00
I agree, it's a very nice work :)
a new version is available here

again, alternative steps for making texture animation

Code: Select all

pick world
generate texanim
(to pick a world file and make a texanim file near of it)

Code: Select all

to get to path, open file , edit it

Code: Select all

: make a fast backup

Code: Select all

pick texanim
(to get to texanim)

Code: Select all

getByTex A
: get all polies textured to A


Code: Select all

getByTex A: convert quads
: converts all the A-mapped meshes to quads

Code: Select all

getByTex A: animate
: animate the first 16 A-mapped meshes (if it's <16, then it will be alright)


Code: Select all

for 1->12 14 17->29&#58; convert quads
: convert meshes 1,2,3,..12, 14, 17,18,19...29 to quads

Code: Select all

for 17->29&#58; animate
: animate meshes 17,18,19,...,28,29

Code: Select all

: launch Re-Volt

Note: It's possible to load external script file using:
1. batch file (cmd): w_console "<path>"
2. inside w_console:

Code: Select all

script <path>
an external script file is composed from commands seperated by new line, example:
restore 0
texanim C:&#092;program files&#092;acclaim&#092;revolt&#092;radiosity&#092;radiosity.w_framelist.txt
getByTex A: convert quads
getByTex A: animate

Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 17:45
for everyone who downloaded the package last night, thanks for re-downloading it again

The program is now cross-platform and able to run on:
1. Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Seven (under .NET 2.0 or Mono 2.0)
2. Linux-based (Ubuntu 11, Fedora etc...) (under Mono 2.0 or Wine+.NET 2.0)
3. MacOS (under mono)

Mono 2.0/ .NET 2.0 (for Windows, Linux and Mac OS) package

Wine Package (for Linux/Mac OS) package

Note(1): For Mac OS, Mono Framework is needed in order to launch the program. use terminal for launching the program

Note(2): Linux users can launch W_Console using Mono or Wine.
To launch from Mono, just write

Code: Select all

Mono "W_Console NET 2.0.exe"

The other way, is to use Wine package, just double click on the exe.


Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 23:42
For people who downloaded before 19:23 (GMT+1), thanks for redownloading again, a missing DLL was included
Hi again
new version of w_console is now available (thanks to Huki for explanations :) )
Actually, W_Console didn't save the 'animation' slot due to error in logics and algorithm

So, here is W_Console + ComputerX track (Download it from here)

A small tutorial to go:

[target: rotation of bitmap (G)]
1. download and extract the rar file.
2. open W_Console (latest version)

Code: Select all

pick world
and pick your world (or just use load method)
4. to animate 'G', so, write

Code: Select all

getbytex G&#58; list
to list the mesh containing G
it's triangular mesh

Code: Select all

getbytex G&#58; convert quads
to convert each mesh with G or

Code: Select all

select 5

Code: Select all

convert quads

5. So, Let's create the texture frame list

Fire up texanim Generator
select Rotation
Bitmap: G
Invert: YES (checked) [otherwise we get mirror effect]
Animation time: 7000 (7 seconds)
then 'Generate'
Save to list.framelist

6. return to w_console

Code: Select all

pick texanim
and select the frame list

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

(revolt -window -dev shall be launched)

Low level edit

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

to get help of using those two
For animating another mesh with the same animation

Code: Select all

anim X
X: index of texture animation

Edit poly [Polygon mode] -> Retriangulate : is necessary

Don't hesitate to report any bug ;)

Posted: 23 Jan 2012, 01:59
First, nVolt for x64 is now available here (extract to your Documents to get: Documents&#092;nVolt&#092;nVolt.exe)
{ optional install FreeVolts to Windows Directory to preview is also possible, dl it from here }

W_Console will detect nVolt then FreeVolts. and will use one of them

Code: Select all

select 5

Code: Select all

preview world
force freevolts:

Code: Select all

select 5

The latest W_Console version is here: Link
New Command line:

Code: Select all

to remove prm (and optional delete backup world)
Also, Center is fixed
Texanim Generator is fixed as well
Download it from here

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 05:29
Killer Wheels
Hi there,

I tried to use your tools, W_console works fine but I can't manage to run TexAnimGenerator (I tried on winXP and seven, it gives me an error).

I tried anyway using your example list and it don't work : it says converting "0.333" string to 'single' type is not valid.

Thanks for any help !

EDIT : ok I didn't know the *.dll file inside "Computer X" track folder was needed to run TexAnimGenerator. Then I used a *.framelist file and w_console worked, anyway I don't see any ingame animation...

EDIT2 : I tried using a *.w with only one quad and it worked, but for a larger file there's something going wrong.

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 23:09
this is actually a common problem in system that uses "," as float number separator, I intend to fix it once for all tonight
Temporary solution is: "1,333" instead of "1.333"
Permanent solution: detecting float separator and fix it

Many thanks to KiWi and Ayumu for reporting the bugs
Of course, Very very very thankful to Dave O Rama
version 2.1

- Texture Animation Generator: the latest version (rotation's sizing isn't available YET [GUI not YET])
- Double VĂ© Console:
+ Multi texture animation : add full support (reported by Ayumu)
+ "," instead of "." auto replace (for the mentioned systems) (reported by KiWi)

Code: Select all

generate framelist
new template code

Don't forget to use FreeVolts or nVolt to preview the mesh

going to generate a documentation

best regards!

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 00:17
Killer Wheels
Yeah, it seems to work now :)

Thanks KDL :D

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 01:10
You're welcome :)
Actually who should be thanked are: Ali, DarkSabre, ADX and Huki. Without them it wouldn't be possible to do anything

A full Documentation is now included (updated)
Click here to View online (references)
Unfinished help here too

My advise is: use the routine stuffs (unfinished help)

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 05:01
Killer Wheels
Thank you KDL, actually I can achieve multiframe modifications easily, but the problem is using your TexAnimGenerator :

I think a screenshot is better than 20lines of words, so here it is :

There is 1 more frame added than the specified number
The "from" -> "to" don't work. I dont understand how the final value is calculated but there's something wrong here again...
The "+new Value" act very strangely too... It seems that any entered value is multiplied by 2.

Also, a cool feature would be a "save parameters" or something like that instead of re-entering every value each time. :)

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 07:17
LOL sounds like I messed up


ok, time for changelog: (thanks to Kiwi :) )
1. Frames count
2. Problem in the UV (init/start) and UV (finish). used UV finish as UV 'init'
3. open/save values [not optimized yet, still experimental]

Thanks a lot, wasn't aware of these :)
About "+new value", that's a translation vector but not sure if I messed up on this (afaik, not really)

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 07:43
Killer Wheels
Ok thanks again KDL.

Actually I couldn't wait for the new release so I used your buggy program with some math to find the right values xD

So I made a cool speedwalk, I've got some texture job to do before I can release the track (maybe I'll review AI too).

You deserve to have it first so I'll pm to you soon, I hope :)



Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 07:08
Killer Wheels
Hi again,

I've tried the new TexAnimGenerator, everything is fine BUT the interpolation is computed on [numberOfFrames]+1, so there's one missing frame at the end of the list...

Polygons dont have to be quads in order to be animated... so : does w_console allow to use multiframe on triangles ? I don't need to use triangles for now, so I didn't try, just wondering :)

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 09:42
hello :)
first thanks a lot
indeed i forgot to subtract the last frame, thanks

w_console allow every kind of polygon (hey, there is only two....) to be animated.

the only problem is some types (flags) are lost during the process of animating , reason is unknown ( i'll investigate it)

Posted: 27 Jan 2012, 02:16
Finally, the last update before declaring W_Console as `paused project`

Code: Select all

to copy UV and textures coordinates of the first poly
then, button sync to return a new file (instead of save and reload etc)


Posted: 27 Jan 2012, 06:28
Killer Wheels
Thanks for your work, KDL. :)

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 21:14
Hi again

W_Console 3.0 and Texture Animation Generator [improved version] are now out
- W_Console 3: now uses KDL skin (and that's all... just the skin of KDL interactive shell...)
- TexAnimGenerator: accepts custom rotations (still unstable for now, designed to work for 'My Computer')

Download link

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 05:14
KDL @ Jan 24 2012, 09:40 PM wrote:Actually who should be thanked are: Ali, DarkSabre, ADX and Huki. Without them it wouldn't be possible to do anything
You should be thanked many more than me : by giving a tool for editing the textanim to the community, you close many years of tries to release this thing and difficulties to describe the trick over chats in English (Yes I'm French, and in France we call that the "cultural exception" : we only speak French... bad education !) ! I'm very happy for all track makers !

Maybe, it's also the final point of 7 years of war with RST...

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 09:39
darksabre wrote:You should be thanked for giving a tool for editing the textanim to the community.
YES! I agree. Thanks for all your hard work, KDL! I am grateful for your continued efforts. :)

darksabre ~
You seem to speak pretty good English for only speaking French. ;)


Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 20:18
MythicMonkey @ Jul 24 2012, 06:09 AM wrote:You seem to speak pretty good English for only speaking French. ;)
You don't know the time I've made for typing that small text :rolleyes:

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 20:22
darksabre ~
I won't make you read more English :D I'll just say I'm still impressed. :)
