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Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 02:27
is it possible to set the number of cars to 30 instead of 12 like in clockwork carnage?

Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 00:38
Sorry, but no.

I asked this question back on 'Revolt Downloads' and thanks to a resonably indepth response from AntiMorph, he expainained that their is only twelve locations for individual AI, and the clockwork car is basically the same car with the same AI.
Unless someone out there has manage to edit the Revolt.exe file so it reads more AI.

Posted: 24 Dec 2005, 05:07
Iron Bob
But, what you can do is replace the clockwork carnage car with any car of your choice. It'll be a race with 30 of the same car though.

Posted: 24 Dec 2005, 22:12
You forget, IB, that there are actually 4 clockwork cars (the Wincar files), tho wincar3 and wincar4 are the same car, but with different skins.

The problem with having 30 cars of your choice is that the total polies can be very high and fps suffers somewhat.

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 06:44
GWC @ Dec 24 2005, 05:42 PM wrote: You forget, IB, that there are actually 4 clockwork cars (the Wincar files), tho wincar3 and wincar4 are the same car, but with different skins.

The problem with having 30 cars of your choice is that the total polies can be very high and fps suffers somewhat.
C'mon, not everyone has the ol' P2's of RV's time.
Atleast, I think most rather new pc's could easily handly 60 cars.

I bet mine can!

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 03:44
Iron Bob
But what I said was right ,while yes there are four wincars, Revolt only uses one of them for the clockwork carnage races.