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Posted: 29 Jul 2009, 22:59

I saw a lot of great skymaps to a lot of great tracks.
I really want to add a custom skymap to my next track but I don't know how.
I saw a downloadble skymap on Re-Volt Sharing Zone by Nero but I don't know
how to use it. And how to add it andd where in my track folder. So could someone help me , please ?

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 00:19
In fact, Re-Volt skymaps are 4-1 (that means three, the ghost skymap isn't there)

the skymaps are the uv mapping of an ordinary block or cube or box, called the skybox and is mapped to :
tp (top), bt (bottom), lt (left), rt (right), ft (front) and bt (bottom)
and they are all 256x256

to add a skymap to a track, you need to replace the skymap of any of 3 stocks tracks (nhood1,ghost town, toytanic 1 & 2) with the new ones, and insert an object in the track, (SKYBOX: <where did you put the skymap>) using MakeItGood

The Skymaps are viewable outside Re-Volt using FreeVolts or '3D Skymap viewer'

hope you find all these info useful

Posted: 31 Jul 2009, 02:48
KDL @ Jul 29 2009, 02:49 PM wrote: The Skymaps are viewable outside Re-Volt using FreeVolts or '3D Skymap viewer'
you can also view the individual parts of a skymap in programs like paintbrush (and other image-editing stuff).

hope this helps too!